Thursday, August 8, 2019

Don't panic, it's organic: Advantages of Organic Fertilizer

Agriculture is the most important sector of Indian Economy. The Indian agriculture sector accounts for 18 percent of India's gross domestic product (GDP) and employs 50% of the countries workforce. India is the world's largest producer of pulses, rice, wheat, spices, and similar food products.

While food is the basic requirement of an individual; the increasing population has led the farmers to increase the use of chemical fertilizers to accomplish the production goals.The overuse of this kind of fertilizer has led to the destruction of both flora and fauna in number of ways:
  • It destroys beneficial microbes that are important for the growth of crops 
  • It degrades the quality of food items that are grown in the field 
  • It pollutes our different sources of water and make them almost unfit for drinking 
  • The farmers who are using the chemical fertilizers in order to have an unlimited and permanent supply of food for everyone which in the long run can prove to be harmful to the soil as well the people who are consuming the crops cultivated from such soil. However, it is not necessary to use chemical fertilizers to feed the world. A better alternate to these are organic fertilizers! 

Organic Fertilizer?

According to a report, the agricultural production had increased from 83 million tonnes in the 1960s to 252 million tonnes in 2014-15 and with this, the use of chemical fertilizers with harmful chemicals had increased from one million tonnes to 25.6 million tonnes in the same period. The committee concluded that organic-fertilizers and farm organic manure, among others are considered to be more effective in restoring soil health. It recommended the government to initiate a policy that could encourage the use of organic fertilizers. 

The fertilizer derived from animal matter, animal excreta (manure), human excreta, and vegetable matter (e.g. compost and crop residues) which is added to the soil to increase its fertility are known as organic fertilizers. Naturally occurring organic fertilizers include animal wastes from meat processing, peat, manure, slurry, and guano. 

Advantages of using organic fertilizer: 
  • Improves the texture of soil: Using an organic fertilizer can improve the structure and texture of soil resulting in increased ability to hoer and nutrients. 
  • Harmless: Since the organic fertilizers have no chemical in them and are the ultimate slow-release fertilizers, there is no chance of harming the plants even in the case of over-fertilization. 
  • No risk: Unlike chemical fertilizers, the organic fertilizers do not contain salt and toxic chemicals which can be deadly to the plants and human beings who consume their produce  
  • Environment-friendly: The organic fertilizers are biodegradable, sustainable and also renewable which is good for the environment as well as the human beings 

Cancer, one of the most deadly diseases of present times spreads rapidly because of consuming inorganic food. However, people of our country have now become conscious about the consequences of using synthetic & harmful fertilizers on crops and know how badly can they affect their health. Owing to which the demand for organic fertilizers has increased manifold in the last few years. The organic fertilizer market is sure to witness a tremendous growth in the upcoming years creating alluring business opportunities. 

Become a Organic Fertilizer franchise today and do your part in making India Green and Clean!